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- From: dkettler@ix.netcom.com (Bruce Daniel Kettler)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: The *SKEP-TI-CULT" revisited (3 of 3)
- Date: 19 Jun 1996 09:01:00 GMT
- Organization: TIFPC - The Internet Fax Psychic Connection
- Lines: 613
- Message-ID: <4q8fkc$j4b@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: den-co14-05.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed Jun 19 2:01:00 AM PDT 1996
- X-Newsreader: OUI 1.3.0
- See copyright provisions at the beginning of part 1
- My dictionary says:
- "excessive and unreasonable zeal"
- Of course, everyone is zealous in some ways. However, here's what
- I mean by "excessive" and "unreasonable":
- A dissenting view is one that is about the *writing,* the
- *content,* so not everyone who has a difference of opinion is
- fanatical. If one shows belief that it is the option of those with
- certain views to either prove their truth or not, that's just
- dissent. If one shows belief that those with certain views *must*
- prove their point or be labeled "frauds," "liars," "hypocrites,"
- and "deluded," that's fanaticism. It's quite similar to a
- Christian Fundamentalist declaring that those with occult views are
- demon possessed.
- If a person continually repeats the doctrine that people are
- *required* to prove their beliefs, a doctrine that runs counter to
- society and law, that's fanaticism. It's mixing one's personal
- belief in required proof with the general requirements of society.
- Dissenting views may be expressed occasionally in a newsgroup of
- people with opposing views. As one example, there's occasional
- posting to SCI.SKEPTIC of those who's ideas are PRO-PARANORMAL.
- That is, the answering of individual postings placed on SCI-
- SKEPTIC. When a person spends most of their time on USENET
- answering the postings of PRO-PARANORMAL people, to show how wrong
- they think the ideas are, that's fanaticism.
- To use an analogy of real-life people, not those on USENET, suppose
- one person is a Liberal, and another is a Conservative. Both have
- meeting places One believes the US government will work better one
- way, and the other has different ideas.
- Now, of course, debate is essential to work out differences, and
- perhaps bring one side to lean toward the other's views somewhat,
- in Congress or the Senate. Both sides meet in the same place.
- However, suppose there are the ideological group's meeting places,
- outside the US government, not the actual governmental body. One
- is a conservative group, fans of Rush Limbaugh, and the other are
- fans of Bill Clinton. Now, a person of one group may go *visit*
- the other, in a friendly way, and debate somewhat about issues and
- ideology. If the person comes around too often, don't you think
- those of the opposing side will get tired of it? If someone from
- an opposing side comes around too often against the will of those
- who are in their own designated meeting place, don't you think
- those forcing the issue are somewhat "fanatical"?
- If the habit of a group is to refer constantly to the *person*
- writing certain views, how dishonest they supposedly are, how
- lacking in logic, or otherwise derogatory remarks, rather than the
- *content* of the writing, that's fanaticism.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
- Steve Reiser, (sir@srv.net) the founder of alt.paranormal, wrote
- that the problem of too many "skeptics" caused him to not
- contribute to the newsgroup he'd founded. Steve stopped
- contributing long before I ever posted to USENET.
- (Reader, again, I apologize for so may personal issues, as in the
- above paragraph. I have to write these things, at least in this
- revision)
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++
- Every PRO-PARANORMAL person, as far as I can tell so far, who has
- expressed a view about postings on alt.paranormal from "skeptics"
- wants them to stop their excessive posting. There were postings
- placed revealing that preference. A "WE THE UNDERSIGNED" was
- placed across newsgroups, and in the signatures that followed,
- people announced, in effect, that they *do not* want to be deluged
- by postings of opposing views. They feel like their newsgroups are
- deluged by postings from "skeptics." I, and I assume most others,
- are not afraid of the "truth." No one is hiding from the "other
- side of the story." There are *real* (not as imagined by the
- "skeptics") reasons. People who pay for on-line time, looking to
- exchange PRO-PARANORMAL views, cannot afford to spend their time
- and money wading through the deluge of writings from "skeptics."
- Those with unlimited time at a flat fee don't want to waste even
- just their time.
- In effect, those who have an INTEREST in THE PARANORMAL, are being
- CENSORED by so called "SKEPTICS." If people are discouraged from
- reading any newsgroup such as alt.astrology, alt.pagan.magick, or
- alt.paranet.ufo because of the activities of "SKEPTICS," and the
- fact has been announced TO THE SKEPTICS, and the PRO-PARANORMAL are
- leaving the newsgroup, including the founder, Steve Reiser (and he
- has not posted in quite some time) (sir@srv.net) THEN, IN EFFECT,
- And, the really ridiculous part of this is that they accuse some of
- us, Earl Gordon Curley and myself, of attempted censorship.
- The "skeptics" response, in effect, is *go to hell.* It's
- something like, *Get a moderated newsgroup, and then you can go
- hide your head in the sand and not have to be exposed to science
- and logic.* That's similar to the person following you down the
- street, asking you to listen, while you say repeatedly, "get away
- from me."
- The so-called "skeptics" really seem to think those who read and
- write to alt.paranormal and similar newsgroups are afraid of
- science and logic.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++
- Steve Reiser, (sir@srv.net) the founder of alt.paranormal wrote
- that he likened these "skeptics" to "bible thumpers" about to break
- down a door to try to convert a person.
- Certainly occasional posting in alt.paranormal and similar
- newsgroups would be acceptable, as long as the poster takes note of
- how many such opposing view postings already appear. I notice
- occasional postings in SCI.SKEPTIC from those who are PRO-
- PARANORMAL. A posting in alt.paranormal announcing a debate in
- SCI.SKEPTIC about a particular subject would be good, but not
- excessively often.
- If I walk down the street and someone says, "I want to debate..."
- and I say, "No, I must be going." And the person follows me, and
- says, "but, this is important, you just cannot believe that, and
- you have to prove it's right." I will say, quite appropriately,
- "Look, I don't have to prove anything. Get away."
- What makes it "fanatical?" Look at how many subjects are covered
- by them in alt.paranormal. Look at how often they post. Look at
- the compulsion to cross-post, like *everyone* must see just how
- right they are. Remember, it's "skeptics" posting to
- alt.paranormal. That cannot be compared to how many subjects I, a
- PRO.PARANORMAL, person post in the newsgroups that I can identify
- with. If I post in alt.paranormal and alt.paranet.paranormal, as
- one example, that's not the cross-posting I'm referring to. Yes,
- I've cross-posted to sci.skeptic, but I don't make a habit of it.
- It's "fanatical" to ignore the desire of people to be left alone,
- to not have to read so many cries for "proof," and "evidence,"
- whether written with those exact words or not. These requests of
- PRO-PARANORMAL people, for "skeptics" to post announcements of
- debate which will occur in other newsgroups, and to cut down the
- number of postings of opposing views, have been acknowledged by the
- fanatics, so I know they were read.
- I also see them as "fanatics" because of the old fundamentalist,
- "SAVE THEM" mentality. They think those into the paranormal are
- poor deluded fools. Somehow, to this mentality, the PRO-PARANORMAL
- need to be "SAVED." This is comparible to a fundamentalist trying
- to save people from "demons."
- On May 25, 1996, Brian Zeiler, bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu,
- posted the following:
- Many ideas and people in the world annoy me to no end --
- radical liberals, fundamentalist religious zealots, the
- Chicago Bulls, and country music. But see, I don't post
- violent vitriole in those newsgroups. Only a deranged
- fanatic would go to a group dedicated to discussion of a
- certain topic and flood it with messages that fanatically
- condemn the topic and seek to convert the other people
- against the topic.
- Every group has a fanatic like that, even the Led
- Zeppelin group. The Simpsons group has kooks that bash
- the Simpsons. I don't even think you are aware of just
- how totally insane and fanatical you really look, and
- really are, for harassing people who want to discuss
- paranormal topics.
- I think the notion of reincarnation is totally absurd and
- a waste of time, but you won't see me in alt.paranormal
- bashing those who believe in it and seeking to reform
- them. Nobody is saying you don't have the right to do
- this, but rather I'm saying that the fact that you do
- this is consistent with the profile and behavior of a
- genuinely obsessed fanatic.
- Find another hobby that's more stable.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- On June 17, 1996, in reply to my posting (6/16/96) of the subject:
- (17 Jun 1996 20:38:18 GMT)
- Date: 17 Jun 1996 20:38:18 GMT
- NOTE: The meaning of the word "PRO" here is that of PRO vs ANTI.
- gothic@netaxs.com (Matt Kriebel)
- quoted me,
- Bruce Daniel Kettler (dkettler@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
- Then again, consistently, a large number of the
- postings from "skeptics" are from a variety of
- people, and these postings take up a lot of
- space.
- Matt wrote;
- What is your definition of a skeptic? In spite of your claims to
- the contrary, you have basicly defined a skeptic as anyone,
- believer, pro, or not who finds your comments to be too outlandish.
- My reply:
- Gosh, Matt, you observed that? Now, that has to be more of the
- "SKEP-TI-CULT" delusion. You observed a case of mistaken identity,
- but never bothered to look into it carefully. Readers may examine
- the USENET archives for postings around the date of this referenced
- posting. I'm not going into it in detail, as it would bore the
- reader.
- As for my definition of a "skeptic," well I've had this document,
- the one you're reading, out for quite some time with the
- definition, and you've written postings quoting from this
- writing. It doesn't say what you say my definition is. Your
- accounts of my writing in postings doesn't either.
- Matt quotes me here:
- I attribute the above [large number of "skeptic"
- postings]
- to being ZEALOUS, not to numbers. There are many,
- many PRO'S out there who just don't want to be
- bothered with proving things in other newsgroups,
- other than the one's they frequent with like-minded
- people in them.
- Matt states:
- And you have decided that you are the one to speak for all
- of them?
- Sorry, Bruce, you still don't understand that you do not
- speak for USENET.
- My answer here:
- Well, the fact that people who are PRO'S, generally, don't want to
- prove anything to the SKEP-TI-CULT, is quite evident by looking at
- postings. There are exceptions, of course. However, in my
- posting, I asked PRO people to post here if they felt that
- statement was wrong.
- As for the number of pro-paranormal people, vs so-called
- "skeptics," the general population, in or out of the INTERNET,
- there are many, many more PRO'S than so-called "skeptics." ON the
- INTERNET, one may look through the number of pro-skeptic
- newsgroups, and the number of people posting to them. Then, one
- may look at the pro-paranormal, MAGICK, UFO, ASTROLOGY, etc. and
- compare that.
- The delusional idea that I somehow am trying to say I speak for
- USENET, is ridiculous.
- Matt quotes me here:
- BRIEFLY, what my last posting, placed today,
- stated was, that there are 2 opposing forces:
- MAGICK, etc. people discuss
- issues of same on USENET. Mostly,
- they do not want discussion
- with "skeptics."
- Matt answers:
- Kettler speaks for all, all hail Kettler! He shall drown your ISP
- in email for the heresy of skepticism.
- My reply here:
- More delusional behavior, Matt. In my introductory remarks, I
- pointed out that the skeptics never did get it, that most people do
- not want discussion with so-called "skeptics." It seems to be a
- SKEP-TI-CULT mentality delusion, and you evidently also don't get
- it. You're another of those who think that PRO people, generally,
- just love to exchange ideas with so-called "skeptics."
- The other delusion, apparently, is that I drown ISP'S, (INTERNET
- SERVICE PROVIDERS) in email for what I, supposedly, consider the
- "heresy" of skepticism. Either that, or your writing might
- indicate I threaten to do this act because of opposing views that
- I do not agree with. You wrote the second one, and gave some
- really poor "guilt by association" logic for it within days of this
- posting I'm replying to. It went something like this:
- Bruce Daniel Kettler quotes Earl Gordon Curley.
- Earl Gordon Curley has done thus and so.
- Therefore Bruce Daniel Kettler does the same
- as Earl Gordon Curley.
- Gosh, the SKEP-TI-CULT mentality is, supposedly, so
- *LOGICAL* also.
- The "all hail Kettler!" bit seems to point to some supposed
- *dictatorial* attitude of mine. Gosh, Matt, you're full of
- delusion this time, again.
- Well, so much for the *delusion* of the SKEP-TI-CULT.
- You not only give an example of the delusion of the SKEP-TI-CULT,
- but you show how right Del is about how people of your mentality
- "attack...the person's overall character," as shown below.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++
- As noted by Del in his writing, the "skeptics" "lie" and
- "..attack... the persons overall character in a lame attempt to
- make them smaller than the skeptics."
- I've been at the receiving end, in large part, I believe, because
- of the repeat of this writing to various newsgroups.
- Those copying the writing to other newsgroups, however, please keep
- it up. We all need to have these people completely exposed, so
- everyone knows who and what they are right away.
- ***************************
- ***************************
- By the way, I try not to use the examples from individuals of the
- SKEP-TI-CULT, who show outragious behavior in their postings. When
- they flame me consistently, however, they can be sure of being
- published.
- I've asked the outragious writing of certain people to stop, and
- when it did, I deleted their names from newer revisions of this
- writing.
- If you want to disagree with my *WRITING*, fine. I've even made
- modifications in this text due to the suggestions of so-called
- "skeptics." However, keep the personal attacks out of your
- writing.
- In this revision, only MATT KRIEBEL is included as an example of
- the outragious SKEP-TI-CULT mentality, as he was the last remaining
- FLAMER, after the others had stopped.
- ******************************************************** ******
- ******************************************************** ******
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++
- Other noted behavior:
- Extreme suspicion -- a mistake is called a lie, as
- one example
- Distorted view,
- and representation
- of, what is quoted -- skeptic writes: "you said ...."
- when a person really
- said or meant something else.
- Quotes out of context
- Conflict -- They generate a great deal of
- personal conflict, addressing
- personal issues: how dumb, illogical,
- or lacking in education of those
- with opposing views. They point
- out petty mistakes. They dwell
- upon these petty issues for weeks,
- sometimes months at a time.
- Condescending attitude
- Ridicule -- Rather than just addressing the issue
- they ridicule those who have a belief.
- ________________________________________________________ ___________
- Here's an example, in Mark's reply, of the perception of
- so many that attempting to have a rational dialogue with
- these fanatics is fruitless:
- From: Mark Hammons <m-hamm@vm1.spcs.umn.edu>
- To: klint@ultranet.com (Clinton H. Cooper)
- Date: May. 12, 1996
- Clinton H. Cooper wrote:
- (among other things)
- If you wish to elevate your beliefs to fact. . . PROVE them! argue,
- provide sources, evidence, intelligence, concede fault and point
- out misconception. Treat your own beliefs with respect, do not
- simply say "cause I say it is, OK?" say why!
- Mark's reply:
- The assumption is that the minds of these people are OPEN
- to such convincing. Experience has shown me time and
- again that this precondition for discourse is lacking.
- First, they would have to assume that I present my
- perceptual information and experience with a basic and
- commonly held respect for the truth, whatever that turns
- out to be. Instead, the a priori assumption is usually
- that I am lying, confused, or misinformed. Hardly the
- basis for a "respectful" conversation, heh?
- It takes two to psi-tango, and I've gotten used to
- dancing without partners. I do not NEED the approval of
- these people to have positive self-respect and positive
- self-esteem toward my own personal experience, just
- because they have chosen to concentrate their realm of
- awareness into a narrower field of actions. The
- accusation inevitably boils down to the fact that my
- experience contains something their abstract structure
- does not allow, ergo I am the wacko. Bugger the lot of
- them. I get along just fine without their condescension
- and deaf-eared criticism.
- For the most part, I agree with your ideal world
- suggestion, but most of us with the "gift" know the
- reality is drastically different. Fortunately, there
- are getting to be so many of us that we do not need the
- imprimatur of the "scientific" psi-blind, and can get
- along quite well without submitting to their humiliation
- and hazing; all of which arises, of course, from their
- own insecurity and ignorance just as we were once so
- imprisoned as a perceptual minority. What goes around
- comes around, and they are now getting to the latter
- part. Blessings on their struggle, but no one can make
- the connection within themselves--which is where we are
- talking about--except, guess who?
- Mark
- ________________________________________________________ ___
- I'm not going to write all the details of each and every noted
- behavior and characteristic, at least not in this revision. I have
- 1 megabyte stored on a diskette, of nothing but exchanges between
- skeptics and PRO-PARANORMAL in just the past few months. Most of
- it is about personal issues, ridicule, etc., not actual debate
- about issues such as whether such a thing as a psychic exists.
- Then I have additional postings that go back further, to December
- 1995, and I'm not sure of the total number of bytes.
- I also have "skeptic" exchanges from on-line services, on diskette,
- from 1991 and 1992.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++
- People who post to alt.paranormal and similar newsgroups, with
- opposing views, do so for many reasons, some mixed. Often enough,
- one of their reasons is for excitement. Without a response, they
- lose interest and go on to get responses from another group.
- If they remember their last visit to your newsgroup yielded
- nothing, they are unlikely to come back.
- Note how they "bait." It's to make sure they get a response. It's
- like a tug at your ego, and it says, "answer me." Remember, they
- need attention. Perhaps the only attention they received as
- children was negative. They had to annoy their parents to get
- acknowledgement. Many do this over a period of years, and thus are
- experts who know how to get responses. Don't give it to them, and
- they will go away eventually.
- Alan Berg was a talk show host in Denver. His ratings were high
- because he was extremely obnoxious -- so much so he was shot and
- killed by Neo-Nazis. People loved to dislike him. It was an
- extremely negative thing, but he thrived financially on it. Other
- people thrive psychologically on that kind of attention.
- When you encounter a person who, with sincerity, is seeking truth,
- be it a "skeptic" or anyone, have compassion. Communicate with
- *them* while continuing to maintain your distance from those who
- are just playing games with you. Remember, those who are sincere
- will write things in e-mail that they would not in public postings.
- If you find that you just cannot contain yourself, and just must
- place a response posting to a "skeptic," I don't recommend this as
- a preference, but at least it will save you time and energy.
- Have these, and others you make up, on your hard disk. Post *them*
- in response to the "skeptics":
- http://agora.rdrop.com/users/tifpc
- then select
- If your mind is already made up, I'd
- rather not discuss this with you. If
- you actually have an open mind, then we
- can.
- Here's another:
- Why, oh why, do you always think you
- *must*
- *prove your truth*?
- What goes on, actually, so deep inside
- your soul?
- Here's another:
- I wasn't discussing the subject with you,
- so why do you carry on with the absurd idea
- that somehow, I *MUST* prove it to you.
- Use this one too:
- Let's see, an ANTI in a PRO newsgroup?
- Are you here for discovery? Are you
- really interested in what I have to
- say, or do you just want to convert
- all of us?
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++
- To the so-called "skeptics," who have given me so much material to
- write about, that it's now becoming book length. With each royalty
- check, I will give my thanks to you all.
- To those interested in so-called "paranormal" (It's really normal.)
- phenomena, your continued discussions in newsgroups has provided
- much valuable insight and information.
- ....successful, with widespread dissemination of the information
- through both electronic and printed media, so people will gain
- insight to effectively deal with people of the "skeptic" mentality
- without so much trial and error
- ....inspiring, eye opening, and an experience of freedom from the
- cage that minds, of the so-called "skeptic," "true believer"
- mentality, are kept in
- THE TRUE BELIEVER by Eric Hoffer, published 1951, Harper and Row.
- Bruce Daniel Kettler
- dkettler@ix.netcom.com
- Copyright 1996 ----- Bruce Daniel Kettler
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++
- --
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ' '
- ' \\\\ --- Reality --- //// '
- ' \\\\ //// '
- ' \\\\ What a Concept! //// '
- ' '
- ' (Robin Williams) '
- ' '
- ' http://agora.rdrop.com/users/tifpc '
- ' '
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~